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How to Get Rid Of Cramps

How to Get Rid Of Cramps

Need to get rid of painful cramps? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back (and your uterus).

It’s difficult for women to shop for the right kind of shoes, dresses, accessories, handbags, or jewelry. As women go to work regularly, they may be harassed on the way and even while working. There may be something else that’s more worse than the aforementioned feminine woes. Once a month, a woman goes through their menstrual cycle, or “period.” It’s a natural bodily process that alters the uterus and affects the ovary. This is for the sole purpose of sexual reproduction. Normally, menstruation is accompanied by painful cramps. They can be mild to strong. The below tips may help get rid of even the sharpest menstrual cramps.

Heating Pad

A heating pad is commonly used to temporarily relieve any kind of bodily pain caused by inflammation, injuries, etc. It will serve just as well with menstrual cramps. A plug-in heating pad with temperature control is best. Lay down on a couch or bed with stomach facing up and apply the heating pad to it for 15-20 minutes with the product plugged in. Toggle the button to set the appropriate heat level. This is a perfect opportunity to close your eyes and rest. Set an alarm for 17 minutes to avoid over-resting. Using a heating pad for an extensive period of time may end up doing more harm than good.

Pain Relief Medication

For more of a lengthier solution, try over-the-counter pain relievers. You have many at your disposal. Tylenol, Motrin, and Aleve are just to name a few. Ensure that the over-the-counter pain medication of your choosing is an NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug).

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Do stretching exercises that involve the abdomen and back. Stretching the abdomen and back may provide some comfort and relief for whenever cramps arise. Performing regular exercises such as running, swimming, or cycling would resolve cramps as well.


Water is a vital component in everyone’s daily lives. It regulates bodily functions. Drink the normal recommended amount of 8 cups of water a day.

Chamomille Tea

Hot chamomille tea may help soothe menstrual cramps by relaxing your body. Chamomille provides overall comfort and tastes great!

While menstrual cramps may be intolerable at first and interfere with a woman’s day, the handful of tips above will help get rid of those cramps.
