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How to Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

How to Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies ruining your summer? Follow these simple steps to eliminate them once and for all!

Summer time dictates that people should enjoy life more; go to the beach, have tanning sessions, hold weekly or bi-weekly barbeques, go for nice warm early morning walks, and school being out. School being out for the summer doesn’t mean break time for you parents. But hey, at least the family’s together more! And, to join the picnic are fruit flies, or drain flies. Fruit flies have earned their name for…..well……pestering gardens that consist of ripe produce (fruits and veggies)! It’s said that fruit flies, or drain flies, can survive for a lengthy period of time. But, not if you can help it! Those pesky flies are nothing that can’t be dealt with.

First Step: Get Rid of the Sources!

Your case of fruit flies is more than likely to result from having rotting fruits and veggies around. Dispose of those immediately, and properly, by first placing any rotten fruits or vegetables into a bag and then throwing them into a trash bin outside. Clean up any mess that was left behind. This step also applies to composting. If you happen to save your produce scraps inside a bin of some sort in your home, then be sure to empty it regularly. Take the scraps and put them outside into an other bin. Clean the old compost bin thoroughly.

If you can produce yourself, then ensure that the can or jar is adequately sealed. Wipe off any spills from the can or jar.

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Rinse. Clean. Repeat

Rinse out any soda cans/bottles, beer cans/bottles, and/or wine bottles and put them into the appropriate recycling bin. Once emptied, inspect it for any spills. Tend to the spill(s) if necessary. Don’t forget to clean those dirty dishes! And we don’t mean hold off on them until the next morning or afternoon. Clean dishes upon using them, as well as utensils.

Discard Old Cleaning Supplies

Throw out any old kitchen rags, dish rags, and mops. These are breeding grounds for drain flies. You can tell if a kitchen rag, dish rag, or a map are overly used and determine when it’s time to get those replaced.
Clear Slow Drains

You can tell if a drain’s running slowly by filling up the sink with water and observing the rate at which water goes down. If you can access the drain yourself, then get a brush or similar tool and scrub the inside of the drain. . If you can plumb the drain(s) yourself, then that’s fine. Placing boiling hot water down the slow drain(s) may help alternatively. There may also be products at Home Depot or your local grocer that helps clear drains. Consider those. If you can’t do this yourself, then contact a plumber or suitable professional to help.

Just Keep Cleaning. Just Keep Cleaning

Clean your entire kitchen thoroughly. This includes stovetops, inside of microwave(s), sink bowl(s), countertops, kitchen floor, and underneath the refridgerator. Also, clean as you go. Tend to spills and crumbs as you see them, and clean-up after yourself. If you live with others, then inform them of the drain fly/fruit fly infestation and that it’s important they do their part by cleaning up after themselves and following proper procedures to deal with the problem.

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In summary, regularly following table hygiene, spotting and dealing with spills and crumbs, quick spot-cleaning, and cleaning the kitchen regularly will take care of those pesky drain flies/fruit flies. This all may seem like a lot of work to you. But, you’d be glad that you’re doing these things in the end.
