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How to Get Rid Of a Tan

How to Get Rid Of a Tan

Is your summer tan overstaying its welcome? Here’s how to kick it to the curb.

Tanning has become a very common activity amongst people in today’s world. Most tanners consider tanning to be a beauty enhancer, while some think that it’s just simply unattractive. And you know what, a tan can ruin your appearance if done too often and improperly. You’re going to get a tan one way or another, whether you visit a tanning salon or simply walk around under a scorching hot sun. Fortunately for those that dislike tans or disapprove of one, there are ways of getting rid of a tan.

Avoid Sunlight At All Costs

This includes remaining indoors between times 10am and 5pm. The sun is at its peak during those hours. Unless the sun’s not out, you may go about outside freely. Being exposed to the sun at any time may prolong the disappearance of the tan you’re trying to get rid of. The sun isn’t to be underestimated, even if its rays aren’t at their strongest.

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate

Skin will shed, similarly to a snake or lizard. This is normal, for it typically results from a tan. Exfoliating the skin will take care of the shed skin, or dead skin cells. Additionally, exfoliation is healthy for the skin itself.

Lemon Halves

A lemon is well-known to be an all-purpose cleaning agent for both bodily and non-bodily annoyances. Cut a lemon in half and dip it in a bowl of baking soda. Baking soda’s also highly considered to be part of the arsenal of bodiy and non-bodily cleaning agents. Rub the baking soda lemon halve on the tan that you’re trying to get rid of. Rub for a few minutes and leave the area alone for five. Rinse off and bathe as you normally would. Be sure to use soap or the desired body wash.

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When bathing, be sure to use warm water. These tips will quicken the time it takes for getting rid of the tan you want removed. Tans go away on their own, but take awhile to do so if you don’t do anything to them while avoiding sunlight.
