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How to Get Rid Of Personal Data on an Ipad

How to Get Rid Of Personal Data on an Ipad

Don’t let your personal data remain on your iPad – wipe it out with these easy steps.

Technology has come a long way in making people’s lives more convenient and comfortable. For one thing, the form of accessing information has changed drastically. We went from a classic gargantuan computer monitor and processor with a floppy disk drive to hand-held flat 10-inch computers. A prime example of such a device is the notorious and successful iPad. Just like with a regular full-sized computer, personal data is stored into an iPad as you use it normally. This may pose as an issue, especially when the device is shared amongst friends and/or family. Below are indicated instructions (in chronological order) on how to erase personal data to preserve your safety.

Important: Back it Up First

Before going right into giving your iPad a clean slate, you may want to back-up any photos, videos, and other items that may be stored on your iPad. You can do this by opening iTunes on your PC/Mac and connecting the device to your computer through the use of the white USB cable (either was included along with the product or can be purchased separately).

Turn On Your iPad

Before you begin pressing the appropriate buttons to access the option to erase all personal data from your iPad, you must first turn it on. Press the “Home” button to power your iPad on. Now, you’re ready to go!

Low Battery

While wiping your iPad clean of personal info may not take long, it’s best to ensure that the device has a good charge. Examine the battery symbol upon powering your iPad on. If it’s low, or in the red, then plug in the charger immediately. This is to prevent the device from automatically shutting down while in the process of erasing personal data.

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It’s All In The Settings

At the main screen, press the “Settings” icon. This will lead you to a column-style list of options which is located on the left-hand side of the screen. Tap the “General” tab within the list. At the very bottom of the screen, there will be a “Reset” tab. Press that, and then “Erase All Content and Settings.” Two prompts will follow, asking you twice if you’re sure that you want to erase everything. Press “yes” to each prompt. The apple logo will appear, along with a progress meter. Leave the iPad alone so it can do its thing.
